Critical Messaging Devices

Encrypted Elite

The tried and true Elite messaging device is completely HIPPA compliant, whether on a campus-based Critical Messaging System or the American Messaging wide area critical messaging system.

The Encrypted Elite has a AES-128 bit encryption and a programmable message passcode, so you can have the peace of mind that messages will remain secure.


  • AES-128 bit encryption
  • One-to-many group messaging reaches all relevant team members simultaneously in seconds
  • Penetrates areas inaccessible to current wireless technology such as radiology labs and deep basements
Key Features

  • Secure Messaging: Encrypted messages cannot be decoded
  • Message Lock: An optional  programmable security feature that requires the input of the passcode prior to reading the message
  • Password Protection: Passwords can be set from 2 to 8 keys, allowing for over 80 thousand combinations
Product Specifications

  • Dimensions: 3.19″ x 2.16″ x 0.73″
  • Battery: 1.5v single AA alkaline battery estimated 90 days use
  • Address capacity – 16 FLEX