RAVEN Systems, LLC Acquisition
April 30, 2009
LEWISVILLE, TX — American Messaging Services, LLC (“American Messaging”), the second largest wireless messaging or paging company in the United States, is pleased to announce the acquisition of Raven Systems, LLC (“RAVEN”). American Messaging serves more than 1.4 million customers and maintains wireless messaging networks in almost every major market in the United States. RAVEN is a trusted provider to military and government agencies and the nuclear power industry and has extensive experience in electronics, digital paging, and software and hardware development.
Early in 2008 American Messaging entered into a joint marketing agreement with RAVEN to partner with its’ President and founder, Myron Anduri, combining his and RAVEN’s technical expertise with American Messaging’s sales expertise and customer relationships to sell the RAVEN Alert product along with other Emergency Mass Notification products and services.
J. Roy Pottle, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of American Messaging said “Based on our success to-date and our belief in the long term potential for the RAVEN suite of products and services we are very excited that RAVEN will now be part of the American Messaging family. Furthermore, the acquisition of RAVEN will solidify American Messaging’s commitment to Safeguard Communities and provide state of the art products and valued expertise in the field of Emergency Mass Notification, supporting our mission to be the most trusted provider of wireless messaging services in the United States.” Mr. Pottle also noted that Myron Anduri will be joining American Messaging as Vice President, New Product Engineering.
The RAVEN suite of products includes the Raven Alert, the RAVEN 500 and an innovative and cost effective offering of Firehouse Automation and intelligent remote control products.
The ability to send and receive emergency or other critical notifications, all within 60 seconds, using the unique grouping capability associated with American Messaging’s robust and reliable networks together with the RAVEN suite of products provides the fastest possible method to simultaneously send and receive intelligent, location specific alerts to a particular or defined group. In addition, follow up information can be sent according to the progress of a situation. It is the ideal solution for public safety in any type of buildings, private residences, hospitals and schools, as well as outdoor alerting.
Headquartered in Lewisville, Texas, American Messaging Services, LLC is the second largest paging company in the United States, serving over 1.4 million customers on its nationwide messaging network. Raven Systems will continue to have Sales and Engineering presence based out of Phoenix, Arizona.
For inquiries please contact Jenna Richardson, VP Product Development at (623) 581-0740 or jenna.richardson@americanmessaging.net
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